Were you in a car accident in the State of Georgia and need to obtain…

Nobody wants to be involved in a car accident, but just about all of us will be sooner or later. Car accidents are one of the nation’s leading causes of death and serious injury, and the roads have been getting even more dangerous in recent years. Nathan Fitzpatrick is a skilled car accident lawyer who knows about auto accidents and what causes them. This is because he has recovered millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for accident victims. In this article, Attorney Fitzpatrick examines car accident trends in the United States and the leading causes of fatal crashes. He also looks at the most dangerous roads and intersections in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area and the efforts being made to make them safer.
A Brief Overview of Atlanta's Traffic Dynamics
Congested streets, busy highways, and drivers who spend more time looking at their cellphone screens than the road ahead have made Atlanta the American city where drivers are most likely to be involved in an accident, according to a recent study conducted by Forbes Advisor. Atlanta's metro area is home to more than 4.6 million people, and about 81% of them use their cars to get to and from work. This is why the average driver in Atlanta spends about 70 hours each year stuck in traffic.
Atlanta residents choose to drive rather than take public transportation because six major highways serve the city. Interstates 20, 75, 85, 285, 575, and 675 all run through Atlanta, and their service roads become clogged with traffic every morning and evening rush hour. If you drive in, to, or from Atlanta regularly, you will be surprised to learn that traffic in the city will probably get much worse in the years ahead. According to the Atlanta Regional Commission, the number of people living in the metro area is expected to reach 8.6 million by 2050. Of course, more people means more cars and more cars means more accidents.
Comparing Atlanta to Georgia: Accident Rates and Trends
Car accident data is usually broken down by county, which makes compiling accurate information for Atlanta difficult because the metro area includes 11 counties. The Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety can shed at least some light on the issue because it provides information about traffic fatalities in urban and rural areas. The figures reveal that fatality rates on urban roads in Georgia are about twice as high as they are on rural roads, even though urban drivers make far shorter journeys.
Most of urban Atlanta is contained in Fulton and Dekalb counties, and they are Georgia’s most dangerous counties for drivers. The 299 road users killed in Fulton and Dekalb counties in 2021 accounted for almost 17% of Georgia’s total traffic fatalities. City streets are also becoming deadlier. Between 2018 and 2021, motor vehicle deaths in Georgia increased by 19.14%. In Fulton and Dekalb counties, car accident fatalities during the same period rose by 25.10%.
Atlanta Car Crash Statistics: A Comprehensive Analysis
Atlanta Police Department officers were dispatched to 28,278 car accident scenes in 2023. That works out to more than three accidents every hour. The Georgia Electronic Accident Reporting System does not reveal how many of those car crashes caused death or serious injuries, but other sources can fill in at least some of the blanks. Information on the Georgia Department of Transportation’s Crash Data Dashboard shows that 182,521 motor vehicle crashes occurred in the Atlanta city limits between 2018 and 2022. Those accidents claimed 387 lives and caused 69,113 injuries.
Motor vehicle crash deaths have surged in Atlanta in recent years. Between 2018 and 2020, about 55 people died in car accidents in the city each year. That figure rose to 96 motor vehicle deaths in 2021. In 2022, 88 people died on Atlanta’s roads. This rise in fatal motor vehicle accidents is particularly worrying because it comes at a time when great advances have been made in automobile safety systems and road design.
Yearly Trends and Recent Data Insights
Most of the media reports about car accidents and car accident deaths are based on information from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System. According to FARS, 39,508 fatal crashes in 2021 claimed 42,939 lives. That is the highest road death toll in 16 years, and there is little evidence to suggest that the nation’s roads will become safer anytime soon.
While the FARS data is useful, it does not include information about crashes that do not take place on public roads or people who die more than 30 days after being involved in an accident. The National Safety Council (NSC) does compile this data, and it paints a grim picture. The NSC data for 2021 indicates that there were 43,200 fatal motor vehicle accidents and 46,980 deaths. That works out to more than 128 motor vehicle deaths every day.
Many road safety experts believe that bad habits of drivers have caused the recent rise in motor vehicle crashes and deaths picked up during the pandemic when stay-at-home orders and travel restrictions emptied the roads. Many motorists seem to have taken this as an invitation to drive recklessly. Around the country, police departments reported sharp increases in reckless behavior like speeding and drunk driving.
Car Crash Statistics by Gender and Age
Motorists of any age or gender can become the victim of a fatal car accident. However young drivers and men are the demographic groups most likely to be involved in fatal accidents. In 2020, 11% of the drivers and passenger vehicle occupants killed in fatal car accidents were under the age of 20. Experts believe that young motorists die on the road so often because they lack experience and take more risks.
Men and women crash at about the same rate, but the accidents that men are involved in tend to be more serious. In 2020, 28,033 men were killed in car accidents, and 1,159,030 suffered injuries. Among women, those figures were 10,690 deaths and 1,122,884 injuries, per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
The Human Cost: Injuries and Fatal Car Accidents in Georgia
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety sorts motor vehicle deaths according to vehicle and accident type. The data reveals that 1,797 people died in car accidents in the Peach State in 2021. That works out to 16.7 motor vehicle crash deaths for every 100,000 Georgia residents and 1.49 car crash deaths for every 100 million miles traveled.
Regarding other motor vehicle crash deaths, there were 659 car drivers and passengers killed on Georgia roads in 2021. Among other cited motor vehicle deaths, 518 pickup truck and SUV occupants lost their lives. Deadly accidents also claimed the lives of 306 pedestrians, 194 motorcyclists, 29 large truck occupants, and 15 cyclists. There were also 76 unclassified road deaths. Single-vehicle accidents accounted for 52% of Georgia’s traffic fatalities in 2021, and fatal crashes involving multiple vehicles claimed 48% of the lives lost.
Analyzing the Severity and Impact of Accidents
Any car accident can cause injuries, but crashes that take place at high speeds tend to be more deadly. Drivers traveling at highway speeds have less time to react to road hazards than motorists on city streets, but there are fewer road hazards for them to worry about. Traffic is more congested in urban areas, leading to more car accidents. That is why crashes that take place in towns and cities in Georgia kill almost twice as many people as accidents that occur on rural roads.
What Percentage of Accidents Include a Fatality?
According to the NSC, there were 13.2 million car accidents in the United States in 2021, but only 43,200 of them resulted in one or more fatalities. This data suggests that fewer than 1% of motor vehicle accidents claim a life. However, the FARS data tells a slightly different story. According to NHTSA, 39,508 of the approximately 6.1 million accidents that took place in 2021 resulted in one or more deaths. The NHTSA fatality rate is almost twice as high as the NSC fatality rate, but it is still less than 1%.
Alcohol and Fatal Crashes
Alcohol and driving can be a deadly combination, but thousands of motorists get behind the wheel after drinking every year. Toxicology tests are conducted after nearly all fatal car accidents, and their results reveal that drunk driving is worryingly common in America. In 2021, Blood tests conducted on drivers involved in fatal crashes revealed elevated blood alcohol concentrations 59% of the time. In Georgia, 411 of the 922 drivers killed in 2021 were impaired by alcohol when they crashed.
Key Factors Contributing to Car Accidents in Atlanta
Almost all motor vehicle accidents are caused by reckless behavior or some sort of human error. Cars sometimes crash because of mechanical problems or poor weather, but most of these accidents could be prevented if motorists maintained their vehicles properly and adjusted their driving habits in heavy rain or dense fog. The reckless habits that cause the most fatal accidents are speeding, drunk driving, and using a mobile electronic device while behind the wheel.
Alcohol-Impaired Driving
Even a single serving of alcohol can impair judgment and slow reflexes, which makes operating a motor vehicle much more difficult and much more dangerous. Getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol is now a social taboo, but drunk drivers still cause about 10,000 motor vehicle deaths every year. Most of these road fatalities are drunk drivers who die in single-vehicle crashes, but thousands of people who are just trying to complete their journeys are also killed. In 2021, drunk driving fatalities in the United States rose by 14% to 13,384.
Exceeding the posted speed limit is very common. It's also very dangerous. The number of traffic fatalities caused by excessive speed rose by 8% to 12,330 in 2021, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association, which means speeding drivers were responsible for about 29% of all road deaths. Young drivers are more likely to crash while traveling at excessive speeds than more experienced motorists, and men are more likely to ignore speed limits than women.
Distracted Driving
According to the NHTSA, only 1% of fatal accidents and 8% of injury accidents are caused by drivers who are distracted by cell phones. However, most experts believe that distraction is a greatly underreported road safety problem. They think this because NHTSA data is based on accident reports, and police officers rarely cite distraction as a contributing factor. Distraction leaves no telltale clues, and few motorists are willing to admit that they were staring at a cellphone screen when they crashed.
Cell phone use behind the wheel is a major problem in Atlanta. When researchers from Emory University’s Injury Prevention Research Center studied the issue in 2022, they discovered that about 18% of the motorists in Atlanta drive while distracted. In the rest of Georgia, that figure was 13%.
Atlanta's Most Dangerous Roads and Intersections
Car crashes can happen anywhere and anytime, but they are far more common on some stretches of road and at some intersections, according to NHTSA data. Let’s take a look at five of Atlanta’s most notorious accident hotspots:
- N Road and Memorial Drive: This is the most dangerous intersection in Atlanta. When reporters from WSB-TV investigated traffic fatalities and injuries in the Atlanta area, they discovered that almost two dozen accidents take place at the intersection of Memorial Drive and N Road every month. That is almost an accident per day.
- Lithonia Road and Covington Highway: Covington Highway connects Conyers and Decatur, and the intersection where it crosses Lithonia Road is a known accident hotspot. As many as 20 accidents occur at this intersection every month, many of which are caused by distraction or excessive speed.
- Medlock Bridge Road and State Bridge Road: This intersection is crossed by 16 lanes of traffic, so it is not surprising that accidents are common. First responders are dispatched to this intersection about 15 times per month.
- Stone Mountain Highway and East Park Place Boulevard: This is a very busy intersection in one of the most densely populated parts of Atlanta. When an eight-lane road crosses a six-lane road, accidents are all but inevitable. This intersection is the scene of about 21 accidents every month.
- Peachtree Industrial Boulevard and Jimmy Carter Boulevard: Thousands of cars make their way through this intersection daily. Located just outside metropolitan Atlanta in Norcross, this intersection is the scene of many accidents.
Atlanta's Position in National Car Accident Statistics
The car accident fatality rate per 100,000 people is 15.8 in Atlanta, which makes the city the ninth most dangerous metropolitan area in the country for road users. If you drive in Atlanta every day for a year, your chances of being involved in an accident are 49.5%. When you combine these two car accident statistics, Atlanta emerges as America’s most dangerous city to drive in.
Preventive Measures and Safe Driving Initiatives in Atlanta
Like many American cities, Atlanta has launched a Vision Zero campaign with the goal of reducing traffic accident deaths entirely. Elements of the Vision Zero Action Plan include reducing speed limits to 25 mph on many city streets, redesigning intersections to make them safer for motorists and pedestrians, improving public transportation, and prioritizing the needs of vulnerable road users like cyclists and pedestrians.
The Georgia Department of Driver Services has introduced a graduated driver’s license program for young drivers to improve road safety. The program caters to drivers between the ages of 15 and 18, allowing them to gain experience behind the wheel during a three-step training program. Young drivers are not permitted to operate motor vehicles on public roads between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., and they can only transport their family members during the first six months of the program. They can carry one person under the age of 21 after six months of training, and they can transport up to three young passengers with one year of driving experience.
Legal Perspective: Rights and Recourses After a Car Accident in Atlanta
If you are injured in a car accident that was caused by the negligent actions of others, you can pursue compensation by suing the at-fault driver or filing a claim with their insurance company. Your auto insurance rates will likely increase if you cause an accident, and you could be sued. Insurance companies employ skilled professionals who are tasked with settling car accident claims for as little as possible, and they know every trick in the book.
That is why it is a good idea to go into these discussions with an experienced car accident lawyer at your side. A personal injury attorney could negotiate on your behalf, and they could represent you in court if you are sued. Finding out where you stand legally should not cost you any money because most lawyers offer a free consultation to prospective clients.
The Road Ahead for Atlanta's Traffic Safety
The road ahead for traffic safety in Atlanta appears to be a long and difficult one. Steps have been taken to reduce traffic deaths, but car accident fatalities remain extremely high. Police officers in Atlanta write about 30,000 accident reports yearly, and initiatives like Vision Zero have done little to reduce that number. Road safety may improve in the future as autonomous safety features like automatic braking systems and adaptive cruise control become more common. Meanwhile, the best way to avoid becoming a part of car accident statistics will still be to drive carefully and remain vigilant at all times.
Involved in an Accident? Contact The Fitzpatrick Firm Now for Expert Car Accident Legal Assistance in Atlanta
If you've been involved in a car accident in Atlanta, you're not alone. The Fitzpatrick Firm is here to stand by your side and navigate the complex legal landscape for you. With a track record of securing millions in settlements and verdicts, our expertise in car accident law means we understand exactly what it takes to fight for your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Don't let the aftermath of an accident overwhelm you. Take the first step towards recovery and justice by calling us at (678) 607-5550 or filling out the contact form below. Our dedicated team is ready to provide you with the personalized and aggressive representation you need during this challenging time.