atlanta truck accident lawyer

Abogado de accidentes de camiones en Atlanta

¡Top Rated Atlanta Abogado de accidente de camión por Super Abogados y experiencia!

Abogados de accidentes de camiones en Atlanta

There are tens of millions of commercial vehicles on the roads and highways across the United States. They are a vital part of our economy, whether they are transporting hazardous materials from one side of the country to the other or delivering local produce around town.

Trucking companies often overwork their drivers, fail to ensure safe driving, or allow their trucks to fall into disrepair as a way to increase profits and cut costs—but this negligence isn’t without cost.

If you were injured or lost a loved one due to a truck crash caused by negligence, reach out to The Fitzpatrick Firm and speak with a truck accident lawyer who will hold truck drivers and trucking companies accountable and fight to secure the compensation you deserve.

atlanta truck accident lawyer - image of orange truck

La verdad sobre los accidentes de camiones comerciales

The use of large, commercial trucks is on the rise, and so are vehicle accidents involving them. An average of 500,000 commercial trucking collisions occur annually in the United States, leading to millions of dollars in medical bills and well over 100,000 recorded injuries. Tragically, we lose nearly 4,500 people annually to fatal truck accidents. Two facts about truck collisions are particularly striking:

  1. Casi las tres cuartas partes de los casos de accidentes de tráfico mortales implican a un semicamión;
  2. Casi el 97% de los accidentes de camiones comerciales eran individuos en el vehículo de pasajeros.

Often, these accidents are due to avoidable causes such accidents:

  • Ruedas, neumáticos y frenos desgastados;
  • Fatiga del conductor
  • Conducción temeraria, incluido el exceso de velocidad
  • Conducción agresiva
  • Carga inadecuada
  • Intoxicación del conductor

Las lesiones en accidentes de camiones pueden incluir:

  • Fracturas y huesos rotos
  • Head injuries leave victims with devastating brain damage and traumatic brain injuries
  • Lesiones de la médula espinal que causan parálisis de por vida
Bufete Fitzpatrick bg

Why Choose Our Experienced Truck Accident Attorneys?

Truck Accident Attorney Nathan Fitzpatrick

Nathan Fitzpatrick, Esq., is the founding member of The Fitzpatrick Firm, LLC. With years of experience handling truck accident cases, Nathan has achieved significant settlements, including a $3.5 million settlement for a trucking collision case. His in-depth knowledge of federal regulations and trucking laws enables him to build strong cases for those injured in devastating crashes. Nathan is dedicated to helping clients recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and long-term care. If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, contact The Fitzpatrick Firm for experienced legal representation.
Atlanta Truck Accident Lawyer Nathan Fitzpatrick

Testimonials from Atlanta Truck Accident Victims

I was hit by a car on the job and left for dead. I was referred to Mr. Fitzpatrick's firm by a friend. I am glad I contacted him. He was very helpful, knowledgeable and concerned about my well-being. His team made me feel welcomed and always answered all my questions. I was satisfied with my interaction with Mr. Fitzpatrick and his team upon the closing of the service.
I think my law Nathan Fitzpatrick far doing a great job far handing my case and I will tell someone about him as well. Thank you from the heart.
Gracias Sr. Fitzpatrick y equipo por hacer un gran trabajo en mi caso. ¡Él es muy profesional y bien informado!
¡¡¡Hace el trabajo!!!
Grito a mi familia allí 💯Nathan Sólo aprecio la comunicación y la transparencia. Experimenté un servicio de primera clase cada vez que llamé o me presenté. Gracias de nuevoSinceramente DQ
Estas son las mejores personas más profesionales en el negocio. Los recomendaría para cualquier abogado en Georgia. Son en mi opinión los mejores en lo que hacen.
Quiero agradecerles a todos por hacer un gran trabajo en mi caso, muchas gracias.
Quiero enviar mucho Amor ❤️ a la firma de Fitzpatrick LLC. Gracias chicos por su gran apoyo. ¡¡¡Su personal es increíble!!! Siempre estuvieron ahí para mí y listos para responder a todas las preguntas, tan pacientes y atentos. Gracias de nuevo por su profesionalidad y por ir más allá de la llamada. Dios los bendiga y los guarde para siempre. Sinceramente, Bay, Charlestown, Ma.
Estoy muy agradecido con la firma Fitzpatrick. Son muy amables y muy comprensivos. Gracias por ser pacientes conmigo. Que Dios los mantenga a ustedes y a su equipo bendecidos.
¡¡¡¡¡Lo hicieron muy impresionante!!!!! Responden a las preguntas que tenemos mi familia y yo. Conseguirán un intérprete para personas sordas si lo solicitamos/necesitamos en las citas. Se mantienen en contacto y más. Recomiendo 100% a Fitzpatrick Firm LLC. No se arrepentirá de tenerlos como sus abogados.
El Bufete Fitzpatrick manejó mi caso de manera impecable durante la Pandemia de COVID-19. Durante ese tiempo, los tribunales estaban cerrados y las compañías de seguros estaban tratando de aprovechar el estado de inaccesibilidad actual. Nathan fue diligente y mantuvo la línea para asegurarse de que no nos despreciaran en lo más mínimo. Él y su personal fueron siempre profesionales y se mostraron muy receptivos. ¡Gracias por un trabajo bien hecho!
La firma de abogados Fitzpatrick es muy profesional. Me consiguieron el tratamiento que necesitaba para mis lesiones, y consiguieron que mi caso se resolviera rápidamente. Estoy muy satisfecho con los resultados. Yo recomendaría este bufete de abogados. 5 ESTRELLAS..... ¡Gracias! Abogado Fitzpatrick...
Es, literalmente, mi abogado favorito porque consigue hacer las cosas. ¡Y está muy bien informado en su campo!
Trabajé con este bufete de abogados en un momento en el que realmente necesitaba una representación en la que pudiera confiar. Sentí que esta organización no sólo era sensible, pero fue más allá para ayudarme a maniobrar mis desafíos legales en el momento. Recomiendo encarecidamente esta organización si usted necesita a alguien que es agradable, pero profesional y sabe sus cosas. Voy a usarlos definitivamente de nuevo ....espero que no los necesito ... pero definitivamente va a utilizar si lo hago.
Recomiendo encarecidamente la Firma Fitzpatrick para cualquier ayuda legal
Nate Fitzpatric hizo un trabajo increíble en mi caso. Yo estaba mirando hasta 6 meses en la cárcel y una suspensión de 2 años de mi licencia de conducir y él hizo que todo eso desaparezca. He aprendido mi lección de beber y conducir y estoy feliz de no haber tenido que pagar el precio completo de esa lección. Gracias Nate Fitzpatric
¡¡¡Nate Fitzpatrick es el único abogado que recomiendo a mi familia y amigos!!!
Me mudé a Georgia hace 5 años e inmediatamente me encontré con una situación relacionada con la aplicación de la ley. El Sr. Fitzpatrick me vio en el Día de las Madres para empezar el proceso de resolver mi problema, lo primero que pensé fue WOW... este Abogado me va a ver en el Día de las Madres... no debería estar visitando a su familia. Solo eso me dio la confianza para usar los servicios de la Firma Fitzpatrick.
El Sr. Fitzpatrick trabaja para sus clientes. ¡Siempre puedo contar con él! ¡Él es muy profesional y conocedor! ¡Voy a él para cualquier pregunta con las leyes! ¡Lo recomiendo mucho!
Definitivamente recomiendo al Sr. Nate Fitzpatrick a cualquiera y a todo el mundo, un caballero muy inteligente, muy conocedor de la ley, y muy bueno en su principal carril en la ley, también es muy respetado por los tribunales y tiene un gran respeto por el sistema judicial... Encima de eso,, es un gran tipo para hacer negocios,, excelente carácter,, y vale la pena cada dólar gastado con él y todo su personal... Recomiendo el Sr. Fitzpatrick a cualquiera que quiera hacer el trabajo.
El Sr. Fitzpatrick es uno de los mejores abogados con los que he tratado. Decidí utilizar otro bufete de abogados y no estaban llegando a ninguna parte con mi caso, así que opté por llamar a un servicio de referencia de abogados, que me conectó con el Sr. Fitzpatrick. Para hacer una historia larga corta, yo estaba extremadamente impresionado con el profesionalismo y el personal informativo de la Firma Fitzpatrick. Voy a referir a Nathan Fitzpatrick a mi familia y amigos.

Abogado de accidentes de camiones de Atlanta que sirve a las víctimas lesionadas y sus familias

Si usted o un ser querido fue gravemente herido en un accidente con un camión comercial grande, los abogados experimentados en lesiones personales de la Firma Fitzpatrick pueden ayudar.

We understand how complex truck accident and personal injury claims can be and will investigate every detail to determine who is responsible for your injuries.

Our personal injury lawyers also work tirelessly to secure the full and fair compensation you need to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.

¿Cómo ayuda el bufete de abogados Fitzpatrick a las víctimas de accidentes de camiones en Atlanta?

La Firma Fitzpatrick es una firma de abogados de lesiones boutique ubicada en el corazón de Midtown Atlanta. Representamos a las víctimas de lesiones personales graves en todo el estado de Georgia, incluidos los heridos en accidentes de camiones.

Nuestros abogados tienen más de 50 años de experiencia combinada luchando por los derechos de las víctimas lesionadas, y tenemos un historial probado de éxito en litigios complejos.

We are proud to have been named a Top Personal Injury Law Firm by both Super Lawyers and The National Trial Lawyers, and we are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest level of legal representation possible for Atlanta truck accidents.

atlanta truck accident lawyer - image of a large truck

What Rules Require Atlanta Truck Drivers To Drive Safely?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) are a set of comprehensive federal regulations, promulgated by the United States Department of Transportation that govern every aspect of commercial trucking, from the registration and licensing of truck drivers to the maintenance of trucks.

Las FMCSR se dividen en ocho secciones diferentes, cada una de las cuales cubre un aspecto diferente del transporte comercial. Las normas que rigen el funcionamiento de los camiones comerciales se encuentran en la parte 393 de las FMCSR.

Algunas de las normas más importantes que rigen el funcionamiento de los camiones comerciales son:

  • Los conductores de camiones deben llevar un libro de registro que documente sus horas de servicio;
  • Los conductores de camiones no pueden conducir más de 11 horas en un periodo de 14 horas;
  • Los conductores de camiones deben tomar un descanso de 30 minutos después de conducir durante 8 horas consecutivas;
  • Los conductores de camiones no deben conducir bajo los efectos de las drogas o el alcohol.

Don’t go up against a big trucking or health insurance company alone – call us today for a free consultation for your Atlanta truck accident claim.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre accidentes de camiones

When you are involved in an accident involving a truck, it is important to know what to do. Here is a list of things to keep in mind:

  • Call a truck accident attorney: If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, it’s important to contact an experienced truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. The lawyer will be able to review your case and advise you of your rights and options
  • Contact the police: Even if you don’t think you’re injured in the truck accident, it’s important to call the police and have them investigate the accident. They will create a report which can be used as evidence in your case. Keep the information you give to the police brief and to the point to avoid saying anything that could be used against you later on.
  • Get the names and contact information of witnesses: If there are any witnesses to the truck accident, get their names and contact information so they can be called to testify on your behalf.
  • Seek medical attention: You may not feel any pain immediately after an accident, but it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Many injuries aren’t evident until days or even months after your motor vehicle accident, but seeking a medical evaluation can be very valuable if symptoms arise later on.
  • Keep evidence for your truck accident case: Take pictures of the scene, your injuries, and anything else that could be helpful in your case.

Los camiones comerciales son mucho más grandes y pesados que los vehículos de pasajeros, lo que significa que el daño que causan en un accidente es a menudo mucho más grave. Los conductores de camiones deben adherirse a una serie de regulaciones diseñadas para mantener a todos en la carretera segura, pero cuando estas reglas se violan, los resultados pueden ser catastróficos.

The trucking companies are generally represented by a large insurance company, and as a result, truck accident victims may be facing an uphill battle in order to get the financial compensation they deserve.

  • Truck accident injuries are generally more serious: The size and weight of commercial trucks mean that they are much more likely to cause serious injuries in an accident. Truck drivers and their employers must take into account the safety of everyone on the road, not just themselves. When they fail to do so, innocent people can be seriously injured or killed.
  • Truck accidents often result in wrongful death cases: When a loved one is killed in a truck accident, the family may file a wrongful death lawsuit against the driver and/or the company. A wrongful death case seeks compensation for damages such as medical bills, funeral expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages. The family can also seek punitive damages which are meant to punish the defendant for their actions.

La empresa de camiones ya tiene abogados en espera

Trucking companies already know that truck driving is quite risky due to the massive size of a commercial vehicle compared to a vehicle used for personal use.

In order to minimize expenses involved in settling claims from a truck accident, insurance companies retain a team of lawyers well-versed in federal and state laws. This team will do everything possible to get you to admit liabilities in order to disqualify you from compensation.

One tactic, for example, is to demand a statement right after the accident without informing you that you have a right to an attorney.  Rather than hope for the best, defend yourself by hiring a good lawyer.

Our legal team stays updated on current amendments to the law governing truck driving accidents in Atlanta, Georgia. We have a better understanding of how each local trucking company respond to accident victims. Doing this prevents you from unknowingly accepting liabilities.

Le ayudamos a conservar todas las pruebas del lugar del accidente

A few trucking companies use dirty tricks to avoid compensating accident victims. One of them is clearing any incriminating evidence inside or around the truck. You can’t beat them at this game because some trucking companies work in cahoots with insurance adjusters. This helps them to know what things to remove or hide in an accident scene to avoid liabilities.

A truck accident lawyer will petition the court to block all access to the accident scene. Why? Because the truck’s black box can easily disappear and make it difficult for your lawyer to prove negligence. If you observed incriminating evidence in an accident, inform your lawyer immediately so that he or she can preserve it as evidence.

Conocemos las complejas leyes del transporte por carretera

One reason a truck accident isn’t the same as a car accident is that both drivers operate on different licenses. A truck driver can drive a personal car at any time; however, an ordinary motorist requires going to driving school and obtaining a special license to operate a commercial vehicle.

Atlanta, Georgia has its own unique laws regulating commercial vehicles and the introduction of new laws happens at least once every three years.  While it’s possible to represent yourself in court, it’s impossible to amass sufficient knowledge to competently handle a trucking case.  Plus, you need plenty of time to regain your health and resume employment.

Rather than suffer embarrassment in front of the trucking company’s lawyers, just count on Atlanta truck accident attorneys at The Fitzpatrick Firm, LLC to save the day.

Le ayudamos a determinar el alcance total de sus daños

Google cannot show you exactly how insurance companies calculate compensation for pain and suffering. That’s because insurance companies intentionally hide this information. They also take advantage of this lack of information by offering accident victims very low compensation. Basically, a trucking company depends on the victim’s ignorance to avoid covering the full extent of damages.

If you want to receive the best compensation for your current and future medical bills and your pain and suffering from a truck accident claim, you need a lawyer to do a thorough evaluation. Why? Because you don’t want to spend the next five years in debt due to incurring high medical bills that you weren’t supposed to pay.

Ayudamos a identificar a los responsables del accidente

Unlike auto accidents where drivers absorb all liabilities, truck accidents involve several people. A truck driver can deny liability on grounds that his supervisor forced him to drive a truck with serious mechanical problems. Then, the trucking company might blame the auto manufacturer for selling faulty trucks. A simple case can become inherently more complex.

Hiring an experienced truck accident attorney enables you to identify who’s responsible for your compensation. The Fitzpatrick Firm’s experienced truck accident lawyers know how to gather relevant information from the trucking company and auto manufacturer within a very short time. This reduces the amount of time you’ll wait to receive your compensation check.

Haz fotos de cerca del lugar del accidente

If your injuries don’t affect your mobility or visibility, get out of your car then take photos of the accident scene. Focus on the point of collision, skid marks, and other vehicles. Do you smell alcohol on the offender’s breath? Just walk towards the truck and take pictures of any alcoholic beverages present.

However, if your injuries are too painful, you can request your passengers or a witness to take the photos.  Taking photos immediately after the collision helps you to build up a strong case in your favor.

It’s a good idea to capture all the evidence before the trucking company sends over insurance adjusters who might tamper with it.

Busque atención médica inmediatamente

After taking enough close-up photos of your accident scene, go to the nearest hospital for a medical examination. A proper and thorough medical diagnosis will allow you to get the best recovery in your case.

It’s also necessary to determine whether you have sustained serious injuries, and whether you’ll need long-term medical treatment. Waiting for several weeks provides the truck’s lawyer a good chance to argue that your injuries or illnesses occurred as a result of neglecting to seek medical attention right after crashing.

Trucking accidents can come in three classifications: the trucker and his or her load, passenger vehicles that are involved in accidents that include a truck, or a bus carrying passengers. In an accident that includes a truck and a passenger vehicle, the passenger vehicle will almost always come out the worse for wear.

Despite classes on how to drive a truck and safety regulations, accidents do happen. Given how much larger trucks are when compared to passenger vehicles, private vehicles and their passengers are often seriously damaged in semi truck crashes. If you or a family member have been injured in such an. accident, you might want to hire a personal injury lawyer to represent you.

Trucking injuries are not limited to passenger vehicles. A truck driver can also be injured during their work. Not only are they subject to being pushed to drive for longer and longer hours, leading to driver fatigue and catastrophic injuries, they often drive through all sorts of weather, which can present problems. Sometimes their cargos can be extremely hazardous, even in unsuspecting ways.

If you travel on highways in the USA, you could be in an accident that involves a large truck or bus. Semi-tractor/trailer rigs move a major part of the goods that are traded throughout the country.

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, there was a 34 percent decrease in fatal traffic accidents, involving large trucks or buses between 2005 and 2009. But between 2014 and 2015, the accident rate increased by eight percent. Disturbingly, inner-city transit buses and school buses accounted for a whopping 41 percent of large vehicle accidents!

In Georgia, there’s a two-year statute of limitations in place for how long you have to file a truck accident claim for truck accident cases. This means you have two years from the day of your accident or two years from the day of the fatality of your loved one, to file a civil claim against those at fault.

Trucking companies and insurance companies will try to run out the clock with promises of settlements and talk of investigation, but an experienced Atlanta truck accident attorney will file the claim on your behalf to avoid losing your opportunity.

Even in cases where the truck driver was clearly acting negligently or the company failed to maintain the vehicle which directly and clearly led to your injuries, trucking and insurance companies will fight back against your personal injury claim.

They may try to show you or the driver in your vehicle was somehow at fault or that you weren’t as seriously injured as you claim. A truck accident lawyer can help you fight back against these attempts.

atlanta truck accident lawyer - image of an accident with a truck and sedan

Usted necesita un abogado confiable de accidentes de camiones en Atlanta

Si ha resultado herido en un accidente de camión debido a la negligencia del conductor o de la empresa, se enfrenta a las dificultades financieras causadas por los salarios perdidos, las facturas médicas y los tratamientos en curso, además de intentar curarse y superar sus lesiones.

Cuando la negligencia es la causa del accidente, se le debe una compensación por sus lesiones, pero las compañías de transporte y de seguros están más preocupadas por ahorrar dinero y proteger su reputación. Es posible que ofrezcan un acuerdo que valga una fracción de tu caso, o incluso que intenten desacreditarte para evitar el pago de lo que se te debe.

Having an aggressive legal advocate on your side who will investigate your case and fight on your behalf is necessary to hold the various insurance providers and trucking companies, as well as the driver, accountable.

Elija un abogado de accidentes de camiones de primera categoría

Entendemos que hay cientos de abogados de accidentes de camiones en el área metropolitana de Atlanta, y elegir el correcto puede ser abrumador o difícil.

The Fitzpatrick Firm is a top-rated personal injury law firm with a team of highly experienced, aggressive attorneys who are dedicated to helping their clients get justice and fair compensation for their injuries and suffering.

We work with medical experts, accident reconstructionists, and other leading experts to investigate and assist with our truck accident cases, and while we strive to achieve fair settlements, we are also ready to head to the courtroom in order to fight for what you deserve.

Además, lo que nos diferencia es que nos dedicamos a guiar a nuestros clientes a través de asuntos legales complicados. Siempre estamos de guardia para responder a las preguntas, proporcionar asesoramiento y ayudar en lo que podamos.

atlanta truck accident lawyer CTA

Hable con un abogado de accidentes de camiones de primera categoría sobre su caso hoy.

If you were hurt or lost a loved one in a truck collision, our trucking accident lawyers are on your side.

Reach out to one of our Atlanta truck accident lawyers today to discuss your case today by calling us at  (678) 607-5550 or filling out the form to the right to get started.
