Abogado de muerte por negligencia en Atlanta
An Atlanta wrongful death lawsuit is crucial in seeking financial compensation and justice for your loss. Learn about the types and reasons for wrongful death cases and how we can help you.
Losing a loved one is always painful, but it’s especially difficult when the loss was caused by someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or malicious intent. Not only are you suffering emotionally, but you may also be struggling with medical and funeral expenses or unable to pay bills due to a loss of income your family relied upon.
Cuando usted necesita un abogado de homicidio culposo en Atlanta para responsabilizar a las partes responsables y luchar por una indemnización justa, la Firma Fitzpatrick tiene el conocimiento, la experiencia y la pasión por la justicia que usted merece.
Comprender las reclamaciones por muerte por negligencia
Wrongful death refers to untimely death caused by careless action, negligence, or even malicious intent. Often, a personal injury case that results in death will be considered a wrongful death case.
A wrongful death action is filed by the surviving spouse, surviving family members, or the heirs of the deceased, or the representative of the estate against the individual, organization, or corporation deemed responsible. However, proving this claim is challenging as it requires proof that the defendant acted in such a way to cause the fatal injury and that it could have been prevented or avoided had they exhibited proper behavior in the situation.
Las demandas por homicidio culposo también pueden ser consecuencia de una conducta delictiva que haya provocado una lesión mortal. Dado que los casos de los tribunales civiles se consideran independientes de los tribunales penales, se puede interponer una demanda contra el delincuente aunque ya haya sido absuelto de su delito por un jurado.
If your wrongful death lawsuit has been acquitted by a jury and you wish to pursue punitive damages in a criminal court, contact an Atlanta wrongful death lawyer. The surviving family members deserve justice and restitution – a wrongful death law firm can help deliver it.
Definition of Wrongful Death
A wrongful death is a type of loss caused by intentional, reckless, negligent, or criminal acts. It refers to a situation where someone close to the deceased person was killed due to negligent or criminal acts.
In the state of Georgia, it’s defined as the death of an individual caused by reckless, negligent, criminal, or intentional action of another party or entity. A wrongful death claim is a civil lawsuit that allows surviving family members to seek compensation for the loss of their loved one.
Demandas comunes de muerte por negligencia
Consulting Georgia wrongful death attorneys can aid families in determining liability and pursuing rightful compensation.
Un abogado de muerte por negligencia puede ayudarle a decidir si tiene o no motivos para presentar una demanda por muerte por negligencia. Usted puede tener una demanda de muerte por negligencia si las circunstancias que rodean el accidente fatal implican:
Car accidents involving drunk drivers
Accidentes de camiones
Negligencia médica
Work-related accidents
Productos defectuosos
Agresión u otro delito con resultado de muerte
Responsabilidad civil de los locales
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Wrongful Death Attorney Nathan Fitzpatrick
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Causes of Wrongful Death
Wrongful death can occur due to various causes, including:
Negligent actions are avoidable or preventable accidents that would otherwise not occur if the tortfeasor were acting reasonably.
Intentional wrongful actions are typically violent and criminal in nature.
Negligencia médica
Medical malpractice can lead to a wrongful death lawsuit.
Accidentes de tráfico
Car accidents are one of the most common types of wrongful death lawsuits.
Responsabilidad del producto
Product liability can also lead to a wrongful death lawsuit.
Nursing home abuse
Nursing home abuse can result in a wrongful death lawsuit.
Wrongful Death Law in Georgia
Georgia law governs how the legal system handles wrongful death claims. The state’s Wrongful Death Act was first passed over 100 years ago, and the version has been subject to several major amendments over the years. As of today, the latest Georgia Wrongful Death Act version is coded in the 5 code sections below:
- O.C.G.A. § 51-4-1 “Definitions”
- O.C.G.A. § 51-4-2 “Homicide of spouse or parent; survival of action”
- O.C.G.A. § 51-4-4 “Homicide of a child”
- O.C.G.A. § 51-4-5 “Recovery by administrator or executor of the decedent”
- O.C.G.A. § 19-7-1 “Parental power; recovery for the homicide of child” (Keep keywords: wrongful death, wrongful death claims, georgia law)
Georgia’s Wrongful Death Act
Georgia’s Wrongful Death Act allows surviving family members to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible party. The act defines who can file a wrongful death claim, the types of damages that can be recovered, and the statute of limitations for filing a claim. The act also provides for the distribution of compensation among surviving family members.
¿Quién puede demandar por muerte por negligencia en Georgia?
Georgia law dictates that a family member, including the surviving spouse, children, or parents of the deceased, can file a wrongful death claim on behalf of the deceased. Also, a representative of the estate acting on behalf of the family, such as an executor, or a wrongful death lawyer, can bring a claim forward.
Importance of Filing a Claim on Time
It is essential to file a wrongful death claim on time to preserve your right to compensation. In Georgia, the statute of limitations for wrongful death claims is two years from the date of the victim’s death. If the claim is not filed within this timeframe, it may be barred, and the surviving family members may not be able to recover compensation.
An Atlanta wrongful death lawyer can help you navigate the legal process and ensure that your claim is filed on time.
Tipos de indemnizaciones por muerte por negligencia
La ley de muerte por negligencia de Georgia ha sido calificada como el "estatuto más noble de Georgia". Da un gran valor a la vida. En Georgia, cuando una persona o entidad le quita la vida a una persona, la parte culpable debe pagar "el valor total de la vida".
Daños económicos recuperados en una demanda por homicidio culposo
When establishing economic damages, plaintiffs should work with an experienced wrongful death attorney that can present the family’s financial loss on verifiable data with the support of expert witnesses.
Wrongful death compensation includes many different types of financial losses the family suffered due to the victim’s death. A wrongful death lawyer can help you and your family qualify for the maximum amount of economic recompense.
Hay una variedad de factores que pueden afectar a la indemnización por daños y perjuicios o al acuerdo ofrecido en su caso de muerte por negligencia, incluyendo:
- Gastos de funeral y entierro
- Salarios perdidos
- Pérdida de prestaciones, como la pensión, los ingresos de la seguridad social o el seguro médico
- Facturas y gastos médicos
Daños no económicos recuperados en una demanda por homicidio culposo
Establecer una cantidad monetaria por la muerte de un ser querido es imposible. Sin embargo, un abogado de muerte por negligencia puede presentar a un juez y a un jurado el alcance de la desolación, la angustia emocional, el dolor y el sufrimiento, y los inconvenientes que la familia debe soportar debido a su pérdida. Un abogado especializado en muerte por negligencia le ayudará en este momento traumático y se asegurará de que se le atienda en el tribunal.
Además, el jurado puede conceder al demandante daños punitivos. Estos están diseñados para castigar al demandado por un comportamiento particularmente atroz y servir como un elemento de disuasión para futuras acciones. Un abogado de muerte por negligencia de Atlanta puede ayudarle a usted y a su familia a obtener la justicia que se merecen, ayudándoles a presentar una demanda por muerte por negligencia y representándoles en los tribunales.
Por qué necesita un abogado de muerte por negligencia en Atlanta
Luchar contra las compañías de seguros y las empresas para que se haga justicia es un reto, sobre todo cuando se sufre el dolor de la muerte de un ser querido. Estas instituciones harán lo que sea necesario para evitar el pago de un acuerdo justo. Es necesario contar con un abogado experimentado en muerte por negligencia en Atlanta que pueda investigar el caso, examinar y repreguntar a los testigos, y luchar por la justicia para asegurar un resultado más favorable.
Cómo probar la negligencia o el dolo en una demanda por homicidio culposo
Una demanda por homicidio culposo puede ser especialmente difícil porque hay tres criterios que deben cumplirse para que un jurado conceda una indemnización por daños y perjuicios:
Duty of Care
refers to the behavior that should have been followed to prevent harm to others. For example, a driver has the duty of care to remain sober and drive in accordance with traffic laws to ensure the safety of others. Similarly, a doctor has the duty to provide reasonable actions, make informed decisions, and deliver attentive care to safeguard a patient’s health and well-being.
Failure to Attend Duty of Care
means there must be clear proof that the defendant neglected to act responsibly to prevent or avoid injury and the resulting pain and suffering. For instance, a doctor who failed to review a patient’s complete medical history and overlooked a critical allergy, then exposed the patient to the allergen, would be committing a significant breach of duty. This breach could have been avoided with reasonable diligence and care.
Death Caused By Failure to Attend Duty of Care
means that the individual’s death occurred specifically because the defendant ignored or failed to fulfill their responsibility to exercise proper care in the situation, leading directly to the fatal outcome.
The evidence presented to the jury should prove that the wrongful death claim falls within all three categories of negligent actions. An Atlanta wrongful death law firm will work with you to find evidence and support your wrongful death claim so you get the maximum amount of recovered damages that you’re entitled to.
Elija a los confiables abogados de muerte por negligencia de Atlanta en la Firma Fitzpatrick, LLC
Cuando se trata de casos de muerte por negligencia, es importante tener un abogado experimentado y apasionado de su lado que pueda ayudarle a navegar por las complejidades de su caso. Aunque nos esforzamos por resolver los casos fuera de los tribunales para obtener una compensación para nuestros clientes rápidamente, no nos echamos atrás y no tenemos miedo de litigar el caso frente a un jurado. Tan importante como luchar por usted, también estamos aquí para servirle. Nos dedicamos a estar allí para usted durante este tiempo traumatizante y le aconsejará y guiará a través del proceso de recuperación.
Programe una consulta gratuita con un abogado de muerte por negligencia de Atlanta
Las reclamaciones por muerte por negligencia pueden ser complicadas, y un abogado con experiencia en muerte por negligencia o lesiones personales puede explicar cómo se aplican las leyes del estado a su caso. Llámenos o rellene el siguiente formulario para obtener una evaluación gratuita de su caso, una consulta gratuita o para empezar.